Bess Thornburg, Director of Christian Education  bessfumc@bellsouth.net

Teresa Gardo, Church Secretary  ch_first@bellsouth.net

Nancy Catena, Organist  ncatena@carolina.rr.com

Linda Barger, Chancel Choir Director  lindakbarger@gmail.com

Andrew Harmon, Handbell Director

Mildred Young, Director of Preschool  mildredp81@outlook.com

Cam Alfaro, Sound Tech/AV camiloealfaro@gmail.com

Copyright 2013. First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.

Rev. Zack Christy comes to Cherryville from Plains United Methodist Church in Canton, NC. He is married to Crystal, and they have 2 children (son Elijah is eight years old and daughter Ella is six).  First United Methodist Church is so excited to have Rev. Zack and his family in Cherryville.

Rev. Zack Christy  zchristy@wnccumc.net

Office: 704-435-6732    Home:  704-435-6792       Cell: (828) 508-2358 

For a complete list of 2024 - 2026 Church Officers & Committees please click here