Our prayer breakfast is such a blessing to all who attend. It’s a great start to our school day, work day or anyday! We are meeting at Homefolks Café at 7:00 am every Thursday morning to feed our tummies, our souls and our hearts with friendships, devotions and prayer time before school. Everyone of all ages and all denominations are invited to join the prayer breakfast group! Our church van will be there to provide a ride to school for anyone who needs it. BUT Buckle UP! There may be a BUMP in the road!!! 😊
Hello my UMYF Friends…. U.M.Y.F. (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) meets on Sunday nights at 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm down stairs. I have really missed some of you lately. Our group is for all 6th thru 12th graders. We have been planning for our winter/spring activities. We gather in fellowship each week and of course play games, have our snack suppers, lesson and devotions and make plans for the year. Our lessons coming up in February will be # “LEARNING TO THINK LIKE JESUS” #School #Friends #money #love: Romans 12:2 - “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.
We had a wonderful trip to The Edge Conference at Ridgecrest! Thanks to all those who supported our fund raisers and gave contributions to the youth fund so that we could experience such a wonderful weekend in the Spirit! Thanks also to Chrystal and Andrew Harmon for going with us on the trip!
The UMYF will not meet February 9th. Everyone can have a great time enjoying the Super Bowl with your family and friends.
We will meet on the snow tubing slopes on February 23th. We will again brave our annual Snow Tubing trip to Jonas Ridge Snow Tubing Park on Sunday afternoon, February 23th, leaving at 1:00 p.m. from the church. We should return around 6:00 p.m. We will eat at the church before we leave and head up the mountain for a day of fun in the snow. The cost is $32.00 per person for 1 hour on the tubing course. Our appointment is for 3:00 p.m. There are also drinks and snacks available at the tubing place. Please dress to stay warm and dry! We have learned that dressing in layers is best! Plan to come with us and bring a friend!
Also, our ever-popular LOCK-IN plans are in the works for March. We are working on a date to be together from sundown until sunrise and breakfast. The hours of our lock in will be 8:00 pm until 8:00 am. As always fun and games, devotions and shenanigans will go on all night!!!
We will hold several more fund raisers for a summer Mission activity or camps, possibly Carolina Cross Connection or Tekoa Missions camp or FUGE. All of this is TBD as we plan on Sundays! We need everyone’s help and every one’s attendance to get these activities going for our youth group! All 6th thru 12th graders are invited to be a part of UMYF. And yes, you can Invite!!!