Copyright 2013. First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.



Our weekly Prayer Breakfast will resume continue each Thursday morning.  Our prayer breakfast is such a blessing to all who attend.  It’s a great start to our school day, work day or anyday!  We are meeting at Homefolks Café at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings to feed our tummies, our souls and our hearts with friendships, devotions and prayer time before school.  Everyone of all ages and all denominations are invited to join the prayer breakfast group!  Our church van will be there to provide a ride to school for anyone who needs it.  BUT Buckle Up and hold on to your stuff!  There may be a BUMP in the road!!! 😊


UMYF U.M.Y.F. (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) 

UMYF will begin our regular Sunday meetings on September 8th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  We will meet at the home of Andrew and Chrystal Harmon for a back to school swin party.  Please wear your bathing suit and bring a beach towel.  We will welcome our new rising 6th grade members.  

On September 15th, we will resume our meetings here at the church in the youth room downstairs and begin planning activities for the upcoming school year.

Watch your FUMCY News Flash text for details!!

All 6th thru 12th graders is invited to be a part of UMYF.  And yes, you can Invite!!!

*****Also….  PLEA FOR HELP!  Youth helpers and counselors are needed for the coming year!  If you are a parent or a friend of our young folks, please prayerfully consider volunteering to help on Sunday evenings with our fun, energetic group of Christian young people and UMYF members!  We need you!!!